The Violet Strigoi

Joachim Chatelfort

Come now, bite through these wires, I'm a waking hell, and the gods grow tired.

Basic Information

Name : Joachim Chatelfort
Aliases: The Violet Strigoi
Race: Half Veena Viera - Siren, Half Duskwight Elezen - Vampire
Place of Origin: Sharlayan
Occupation: Pirate
Height: 6'04"
Age: 270
Eye Color: Ruby red
Hair Color: Black with violet highlights
Scars/Marks: Black corruption spreads along his body
Gender/Pronouns: Male - He/They
Sexuality: Demisexual
Relationship Status: In a relationship
Fighting Style: Black mage - Necromancer


(Coming soon)


Being that he is the son of a pirate, he knows his way around a ship. He can talk his way out of most situations. Oddly enough, he never lies. A sly smile will grace his lips as he plays his chess pieces, looking for that checkmate.
Vampires and sirens
As a half vampire he does not need to feed to survive, he does like to indulge every now and then. However, he will not take what is not offered to him. The other half of his strange combination is that of a siren. But worry not, his song only attracts the dead.
Taboo and rarely used. Because of his siren song, he can feel the souls of the dead reaching out for him. He will only ever act upon his power if provoked as a method of self defense. It takes a lot of energy out of him, so he does not like using it.
Botany and Alchemy
Plants are a topic easily spoken to him with. He has an affinity to the deadlier plants, having studied their attributes in making poisons and potions. After all, the prettiest flowers make the prettiest poisons.


Marceloix Chatelfort - Father
Jace Chatelfort - Mother
Damien Velenoso - Boyfriend
Bart - Marcel's Horror minion
Mr. Jitters - Joachim's skeleton cat
(Coming soon)

OOC Information

Age and Preferences: 21+ RPer, prefer those interacting to also be over 21Availability: EST timezone: Mostly active after 8pm on weekdays, most of the day on weekendsDiscord: Soka_ArashiERP is welcome, please at least talk to me first and possibly get to know my character beforehand.I am transmasc, with pronouns of he/him.I am in a very committed relationship outside of RP. So, please keep IC/OOC separate.Interests: Casual conversation, plot discussion, potential romance themes, slice of life themes, dark themes, angsty themes, sexual themesOff limits: Homophobia, transphobia, anything involving misuse of children. While death is not fully off limits, permanent death is a no-goAsk if unsure a topic is sensitive or not. More likely than not I will be willing to brush the topic in RPI'm here for a good time, not a long time. Let's make the most of it